A good way to start this New Year is wishing from
the depths of our hearts and minds a Happy Birthday
to Immanuel AKA Jesus (born August 8, 8 BC).
This will be the 20th year of our new cycle
starting August 17, 2006. In the Mayan calendar
system the 20th glyph is known as Sun (take note of
the Sun graphic in the background of this issue’s
pages). For the groundcrew and lightworkers the
Sun with its light-giving rays represents the ATON.
The eight pointed rays of the Sun symbol used in this
issue represent the eight provinces which expelled the
Spanish from the Philippines.
In this issue Commander hATONn fills in with some
history of banking and missing pieces in the puzzle of
the Marcos gold. In our lead piece Ron Kirzinger
presents independent confirmation of the Philippines
gold and how this new information affects the Tallano
Foundation and Global Alliance Investment Association.
In addition, EJ Ekker presents “Global Alliance: Steps
and Sequence”, showing how the Global Alliance
program could be implemented in a matter of days.

Sun., July 30, 2006, Year 19, Day 348
Manila, Philippines
One thing that raises eyebrows as people examine
the information regarding the Tallano Foundation is the
mention of hundreds of thousands of TONS of gold.
“C’mon, there are only thirty-something thousand tons
in ALL of the central banks in the world!”
In this piece we will present the case for there
GOLD in the Philippines but first we will provide some
background regarding the corroborating information.
The Tallano Foundation’s ongoing efforts to
preserve and administer the estate “for the benefit of
the Filipino people” have “coincidentally” resulted in
independent confirmation of the vast quantity of gold
in the Philippines, including a plausible story regarding
the origin of that gold. It is a story which should be
of immense interest to all Filipinos and of more than
passing interest to all who are interested in the Global
Alliance Investment Association program—which in a
legal sense is every individual on the planet because
the GAIA Program exists for the benefit of all people,
globally. The small coastal town of Infanta (population
5,259) was ravaged on December 3, 2004 when
mudflows caused by over

A good way to start this New Year is wishing from
the depths of our hearts and minds a Happy Birthday
to Immanuel AKA Jesus (born August 8, 8 BC).
This will be the 20th year of our new cycle
starting August 17, 2006. In the Mayan calendar
system the 20th glyph is known as Sun (take note of
the Sun graphic in the background of this issue’s
pages). For the groundcrew and lightworkers the
Sun with its light-giving rays represents the ATON.
The eight pointed rays of the Sun symbol used in this
issue represent the eight provinces which expelled the
Spanish from the Philippines.
In this issue Commander hATONn fills in with some
history of banking and missing pieces in the puzzle of
the Marcos gold. In our lead piece Ron Kirzinger
presents independent confirmation of the Philippines
gold and how this new information affects the Tallano
Foundation and Global Alliance Investment Association.
In addition, EJ Ekker presents “Global Alliance: Steps
and Sequence”, showing how the Global Alliance
program could be implemented in a matter of days.
Of course all of these writings relate to the
continuing story of God’s Divine Plan. Enjoy the
reading and share with loved ones.

Sun., July 30, 2006, Year 19, Day 348
Manila, Philippines
One thing that raises eyebrows as people examine
the information regarding the Tallano Foundation is the
mention of hundreds of thousands of TONS of gold.
“C’mon, there are only thirty-something thousand tons
in ALL of the central banks in the world!”
In this piece we will present the case for there
GOLD in the Philippines but first we will provide some
background regarding the corroborating information.
The Tallano Foundation’s ongoing efforts to
preserve and administer the estate “for the benefit of
the Filipino people” have “coincidentally” resulted in
independent confirmation of the vast quantity of gold
in the Philippines, including a plausible story regarding
the origin of that gold. It is a story which should be
of immense interest to all Filipinos and of more than
passing interest to all who are interested in the Global
Alliance Investment Association program—which in a
legal sense is every individual on the planet because
the GAIA Program exists for the benefit of all people,
globally. The small coastal town of Infanta (population
5,259) was ravaged on December 3, 2004 when
mudflows caused by over-
logging combined with torrential rains to bury much of
the town in knee-deep mud. (At the time, as some
readers may recall, Doris Ekker expressed how proud
she was of the efforts of the American Marines from
Okinawa who flew in to provide emergency relief. If
only that was the face of the U.S. military globally.)
The people live mostly at the coastline and earn their
livelihood primarily from fishing, although these days
they must go farther offshore due to dynamite fishing
by a few miscreants, which has eliminated the fish that
used to be caught just offshore.
What could any of this possibly have to do with
hundreds of thousands of tons of gold? Bear with us
while we provide just a little more background.
Throughout the Philippines the wealth of the
Roman Catholic religion is evident, marked by some of
the grandest church buildings set amid poverty-stricken
surroundings. Even the church in Infanta, given the
meager population, is relatively “inspiring”.
In its shadow, figuratively speaking, is the far less
dominating building belonging to the Apostolic and
Catholic Church of the East and its school, which
serves the needs of some 80 students. At a recent
meeting of the Tallano Foundation, the Foundation’s
attorney brought with him a special
guest: the
Archbishop of the Apostolic and Catholic Church of
the East presiding over an area which encompasses
the town of Infanta, Mar Levi Bar Thomas

Page 2
August 9, 2006
the Archbishop on a
pro bono
basis, in an effort
to prevent the small church from being
evicted from the property it has
leased for many years.
As it turns out, the “landlord” is the holder of a
spurious land title which should never have been issued.
The land should properly be administered by the
Foundation. The Archbishop was very pleased to hear
this news!
“Coincidentally”, as God arranges things, Archbishop
Mar Levi Bar Thoma “happens” to have written a book:
”. The book deals primarily with the historical
relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the
Apostolic and Catholic Church of the East—exhorting, as
the title implies, abandonment of the hypocrisy of the
Roman Catholic Church—BUT along the way “happens”
to provide independent confirmation of the existence of
enormous quantities of gold here in the Philippines.
“Coincidentally”, all of this transpired just ahead of
“20 de Julio” (July 20), which is the “liberation day”
of the people and town of Infanta from the Spanish
regime during the “Katipunan revolution” which started
in August 1896.
With that background we will now take a look at
some interesting excerpts from the Archbishop’s book.
(Please note that this book had a small initial print run
and is out of print at this time.
The Archbishop is
looking for financial wherewithal for a second printing.
Contact information is provided as: Cel. 0916-7435509
or email:
Pay attention, please, because we’re jumping right in
to the point in the story where the origin of hundreds of
thousands of metric tons of gold is first mentioned.
[QUOTING, pp 103-104, all emphasis is in the
original text:]
In 1478 Moslems from the Malayan Peninsula
crossed the Malacca Strait and conquered Java, the
capital of the Madjapahit Empire. Subsequently, the
Malay/Srivijaya/Madjapahit disintegrated. In its place, a
Moslem religious government was established
inaugurating the reign of the Sultanates.
A family of
, was then ruling the Madjapahit Empire.
They retreated and consolidated their position in a group
of 7,169 islands, known as MAHARLIKA (now
Philippines) away from the oncoming Moslems. Being
a descendant of royal Malayan blood, the Tagean family
had its share of power, authority and riches from the
collected taxes during its 900-year rule in the empire, and
even two millennia earlier when there was commerce
with King Solomon of Israel.
[RK: There is no mention here of the important
role of the British East India Company, which was
heavily involved with the flourishing spice trade in
the region—not to mention the OPIUM trade with
China—but you can be fairly sure that this ancient
“drug money” also figures into the story and could
account for a large portion of the amassed gold.
All naval “traffic”, then as now, pretty much had
to pass through the Molucca Strait or take a very
long detour.]
The maharajah and his sons, the rajahs, ruled the
Maharlika using their own laws, the
. The Maharlika was a very rich and
flourishing country. By the early sixteenth century, the
ruling maharajah, Luisong Tagean, had
720,000 metric
tons of gold
that he kept in present day Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah or North Borneo.
[RK: That’s a whole lot of
At that time, Sabah was part of the Maharlika.
The Family Tree of Maharajah Luisong Tagean:
in the Lamayan District, now known as Malacanang.
He was married to Margaret Acuna Macleod.
One very interesting point not made here is that King
Luisong Tagean apparently lived to the ripe old age
of 270! It seems our Almighty Father gave him
quite a lengthy assignment. As a note of correction:
In an article written by Cenon Marcos on this subject,
King Tagean’s wife was erroneously identified as
Lamayan Bowan, who was instead the wife of Prince
Lacan Acuna Macleod, one of the great king’s
grandsons identified below. Careful reading of the
Agana Decision with Compromise Agreement from
1972 indicates that King Luisong Tagean’s wife was
in fact Margaret Acuna Macleod as indicated here.]
His sons were:
Rajah Lapulapu Tagean
. He ruled Mactan.
Rajah Soliman Tagean
. He ruled Manila and its
suburbs, i.e., Rizal, Cavite, Batangas, Laguna and the
Karilaya Province, now Quezon. He married Princess
Dayang-dayang Kiram. Later he married Mary Anne
Dent. Mary’s father, Alfred Dent was a British Lord
and London merchant. He was a co-owner of the Royal
British North Borneo Company.
Luisong Tagean’s grandsons were:
Rajah Lakandula Tagean
. He ruled Tondo.
Rajah Gat Mauban Tagean
. He ruled Eastern
Quezon, Mauban, Sampaloc and Lukban. He was
married to the daughter of the sixth Sultan of Brunei,
Abdul Kahar.
Rajah Baginda Tagean
. He ruled Bohol.
Rajah Kabingsuran Tagean
. He ruled Southern
Rajah Kolambo Tagean
. He ruled Limasawa.
Rajah Humabon Tagean
. He ruled Cebu.
Rajah Sikatuna Tagean
. He ruled a part of Bohol.
Prince Lacan Acuna Macleod Tagean. Son of
Rajah Soliman, he was adopted by his grandmother,
Margaret Macleod Tagean. Born during the Spanish
colonial rule on December 17, 1686, he changed his
surname to
so he could easily pursue his
revolutionary activities against the colonizers. In 1726, at
the age of 40, he married Princess Elizabeth Overbeck
Macleod of Austria. In 1761, he sought the help of the
British against the Spaniards. Later he married Lamayan
Bowan. He lived for 178 years.
[RK: Prince Lacan
Acuna Macleod Tagean-Tallano lived from 1686
through 1864. Why did our Heavenly Father grant
these Tageans such long lives except to ensure the future
unfolding of His Divine Plan?]
He begot a son...
Prince Julian Macleod Tagean-Tallano
. He was
married to Princess Aminah Kiram of the Sultanate of
Sulu. He died in 1898. He begot a son...
Actually, upon examination of the Agana Court’s
1972 Decision with Compromise Agreement, it
looks like in 1898 Prince Julian Macleod
Tagean-Tallano “succeeded to win the support
of the grand government of the United States of
America where the Treaty of Paris between
Spain, United States, Great Britain, France and
Germany had been signed and enforced into law
respecting private ownership of the inhabitants
and the Royal Family of the archipelago.” Later
in the Decision with Compromise Agreement we
read: “the Prince died on the year 1939 at the
age of 91 years old by reason of heart attack in
Europe, after he transported the Tagean gold
bullion of 617,500 metric tons to the Vatican
City and had deposited it to the Trust of the
Holy See as escorted by Reverend Father Robert
Hayes, who was in custody of the last will and
testament involving OCT 01-4 of the archipelago
and that precious wealth whose heirs are Don
Esteban Benitez Tallano and Benito Tallano.”
Confirming this assessment, still further along in
the text of the
Decision with Compromise
, we read: “Prince Julian Macleod
Tallano (Tagean) who died on December 17,
1939”. Thus, the following statement regarding
Don Esteban Benitez Tallano
appears to be
Don Esteban Benitez Tallano. He died in the
Vatican in Rome in 1939
. [RK: NO, Don Esteban
Benitez Tallano was apparently alive at the time of
the Agana Decision in 1972 and for at least a decade
after (see note above).]
He begot a son...
Don Benito Acuna Tallano
. He died
during the Japanese occupation of the Maharlika.
He begot a son...
Prince Julian Morden Tallano
. He is presently alive.
At this point we must note that Judge Agana ordered
the formation of an entity to be named DON ESTEBAN
of protecting and conserving the estate for the benefit of
the Filipino people. Gregorio Madrigal Acop was, we are
told, the brother-in-law of Esteban Benitez Tallano, having
married his sister. Both men passed away in the early
1980s and the various governments of the Philippines
have apparently made every effort to take the property
(real estate and gold) for their own purposes ever
since Ferdinand Marcos was unlawfully removed from
power in 1986.
Thoroughly aided and abetted by the International
Banking Cartel, all aspects of the Philippines power
structure—the government, the courts, the Roman
Catholic Church and of course all of the leaders of these
institutions—have sought to deprive the Filipino people of
this vast inheritance. This is NOT some “conspiracy
theory”; it is an observable and now-proven fact.
It is now up to the Filipino people to become aware
of the facts and reclaim that which is lawfully their
birthright. The Tallano Foundation is in place, ready,
willing and able to administer this vast wealth for the
benefit of ALL Filipinos instead of a select few who
have prospered at their expense.
As we shall see in the following section, the notion
of “public lands” which exist for the benefit of “the
government” instead of the PEOPLE is entirely
erroneous. OCT 01-4—including the entire archipelago
except for annotations against that original Torrens-
system Deed AND the GOLD—is PRIVATE
PROPERTY, which is to be administered for the benefit of
the people. The government through its Solicitor General
presented its position paper documenting the supremacy of
OCT 01-4 to the Agana Court and was forced to
COMPROMISE, claiming control over only those lands the
government then occupied and only for so long as those lands
continued to be used for the government.
Let us now review the history of OCT 01-4, which is
the basis of all private land ownership in the Philippines.

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