Tuesday, February 2, 2021

British Rule and the Philippine Gold

British Rule and the Philippine Gold

All credit belong to its Source: Phoenix Journal

British Rule

In 1761 Prince Lacan Acuna Macleod Tallano [RK:

who lived from 1686 through 1864] (son of Rajah

Soliman Tagean and grandson of Maharajah Luisong

Tagean) sought the help of the English government in his

struggle against the oppressive rule of the Spanish

colonizers. He contacted Alexander Dalrymple, an

employee of the British East Indian Company [RK:

Please read Dr. John Coleman’s Committee of 300

to understand the true nature of the British East

India Company’s business, which was based

primarily on the opium trade.] based in North Borneo.

Dalrymple first went to Sulu in January 1761 to consult

with the reigning Sultan Bantilan for an island he

wanted to use for the British company. [RK: To store

perishables such as “tea” and “spices”? It seems

far more likely this base was connected to the illicit drug

trade.] He went to Zamboanga, back to Sulu and then to

Manila in November to get the signature of Sultan Alimudin

who was under the custody of the Spaniards.

On January 2, 1762 the British declared war

against Spain. On August 1, 1762 a British

expedition to the Maharlika was launched from

Madras, India. The British fleet under the commands

of General Draper from the army and Admiral

Cornish from the navy entered Manila Bay in

September 13, 1762.

The invasion of Manila

caught the Spaniards completely by surprise. Draper sent

summons to the defenders to surrender. The Spanish

council of war, presided by the Governor General,

Archbishop Manuel Rojo de Rio, resolved to fight to the

end. The British attacked and routed the Spanish army.

On October 6, 1762 the British Royal Army and Navy

liberated the Filipinos from the Spanish colonizers.

The abuse in land use and cruelty to the native Filipinos

were the root of the discontent and rebellion of the Filipino

people against the Spanish colonizers. After the formal

surrender of the Spanish defenders in Manila, the British

government headed by Gen. Dawson Draper, ordered the

cancellation of the Deed of Occupation of the Maharlika

(as drafted by Father Andreas Urdaneta on December 7,

1565) that declared the whole archipelago as the property of

King Philip II of Spain. In replacement, Draper drew a

document that recognized Rajah Lacan Macleod (Tagean)

Tallano as the legitimate heir of the Maharlika, the grandson

of Maharajah Luisong Tagean.

The document was entitled ORIGINAL


The number 01 refers to the ONE nation, known in pre-

Hispanic times as MAHARLIKA. The number 4

refers to the original four regions of this nation: (1) Luzon,

(2) Visayas, (3) Mindanao and (4) Palawan, Tagean

(now Kalayaan) Islands and North Borneo (in 1963 when

the Federation of Malaysia was created, the name was

changed to Sabah). [RK: This INCLUDED the

Spratly Islands just north of Palawan, the ownership

of which is now “contested” by six other countries.]

The British recognized the fact that North Borneo,

Sabah, was part of the Maharlika archipelago.

The British document barred the claim of Spain that

by reason of conquest and physical occupation, the

Maharlika became the property of the King of Spain.

The British OCT 01-4 PROTOCOL recognized the claim

of the Tagean Royal Family that they have lived and

ruled these islands since time immemorial. Consequently,

this document turned over the whole archipelago to its original

owner, the Tagean Royal Family, as represented by a Prince,


When the war between England and Spain ended on

February 10, 1763, this document, OCT 01-4, was used

as one of the conditions of the British government

on the cession of the Maharlika to Spain. On January

7, 1764, the Spaniard, Simon de Anda, affirmed and

reconfirmed the ownership of the land (‘Hacienda

Filipina’) as embodied in the British OCT 01-4

PROTOCOL by issuing a new Spanish land title in the

name of Prince Lacan Acuna Tagean Tallano.

A hundred years later, in 1864 [RK: presumably

upon the passing of Prince Lacan Acuna Tagean-

Tallano at the age of 178], OCT 01-4 was reissued

to Prince Julian Macleod Tallano through the Royal

Audienca Case R.D. 571. It ordered the Spanish

Encomienda to maintain its decision that the Maharlika

Archipelago belonged to Tallano and that the said title

was bankable in accordance with the Spanish

Mortgage Law.

In 1891, the Spanish Royal Audienca issued the


1891, ROYAL DECREE 01-4 PROTOCOL which

copied and confirmed the OCT 01-4 PROTOCOL as

originally issued by the British government to Prince

Lacan Acuna Tagean. This was later affirmed and

confirmed by the Land Registration Act 496 in 1902.

At the beginning of the last century we see that there

is no question of the existence of OCT 01-4, the Original

Certificate of Title for the entire Philippines archipelago,

and that it belongs to the Tagean-Tallano Clan and in

particular to one, Prince Julian Macleod Tallano.

In the next section we shall see what became of

Prince Julian Macleod Tallano, OCT 01-4 and its

associated hundreds of thousands of tons of gold.

[QUOTING, pp 184-185:]

The Modern Vatican Covets the Maharlika

In the early 1930s, Europe was in a depression

and Germany was financially bankrupt. An unknown

party leader promised the German people that he

could create jobs and boost its economy. The

Germans dared him and put him in power. His

name is Adolph Hitler. In June 1933, the

Vatican and Hitler, a Roman Catholic, signed a

concordat for mutual protection and

enhancement. Shortly after that, Hitler was loaded

with money. He built a massive army and

manufactured weapons for war. Then Hitler took

Poland. Before 1918, there was no Poland. That land

was part of Germany and used as a buffer zone to

separate Germany from Russia. But when Hitler

reclaimed it, England declared war on Germany.

Throughout the Spanish occupation of the Maharlika,

members of the Tagean/Tallano clan have been visiting

Europe since some of their relatives were English and

Austrian. From 1866 to 1898, Prince Julian Macleod

Tallano [RK: who became titleholder of OCT 01-4

in 1864] had also been frequenting the Vatican. In

1934, under Pope Pius XII, the Vatican negotiated with

a member of the Filipino Royal Family, the Christian

Tallano clan in the Maharlika. An agreement was

reached that 640,000 metric tons of the Tallano gold

would be lent to the Pope. This was part of that gold

accumulated by the Southeast Asian Srivijayan/Madjapahit

Empire during its glorious reign of 900 years. In 1939,

two members of the Tallano family and a Roman

Catholic priest, Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz, brought the gold

from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, to the Vatican.

presented by Judge Agana, who mentions only

one member of the Tagean-Tallano family,

Prince Julian Macleod Tallano, along with a

Reverend Father Robert Hayes. Father Hayes

could have been Father Jose Antonio Diaz, AKA

Santa Romana—this man used many aliases.

And then, curiously, with the gold now safely

stowed in the Vatican, the record shows that

Prince Julian Macleod Tallano suddenly died in

Europe of a heart attack on December 17,


Doing business with the Money Masters

can have that effect on men, for some reason.]

After doing this, Fr. Diaz [RK: Hayes? Santa

Romana?] went back to the Maharlika and resided

in Cabanatuan City. After World War II, he

facilitated the safe return of the 640,000 metric tons

of gold from the Vatican to the Maharlika. Manuel

Acuna Roxas (a relative of the Acuna/Tagean/

Tallano clan), then a congressman, and Bishop

Enrique Sobrepena, Sr, in the presence of Atty.

Lorenzo Tanada, received the gold in Manila.

[RK: There is good reason to believe, even from

further along in this account, that the young attorney

Ferdinand E. Marcos was involved in the return of

the gold. Certainly by all accounts we have seen it

was Ferdinand Marcos and Diaz/Santa Romana who

shared in the enormous 30% commission—that is

192,000 TONS of gold worth around $4 TRILLION

today (!!!)—for handling this transaction. WHO


A lease agreement was made between the

Tallano clan and the Maharlika government. A total

of 617,500 metric tons of gold was deposited in the

newly installed Central Bank of the Maharlika to

comply with its requirement for GOLD RESERVE.

Under the terms of the contract, the Central Bank

became the HOLDER of that gold. That lease

agreement will expire in the year 2005.

[RK: The Tallano Foundation has given notice of

the termination of this 50-year lease following the

additional 5-year discretionary period on December

31, 2005 but remains unable to obtain an inventory

of this asset even though the Central Bank (now

Bangko Sentral Pilipinas) is no longer entitled to

HOLD the gold.]

Having gained the trust and confidence of Fr. Diaz,

the Tallano clan made him the main negotiator and

trustee of their gold. Fr. Diaz, in turn, hired the services

of Atty. Ferdinand E. Marcos, then a highly

recommended brilliant young lawyer having attained

notoriety when he successfully defended himself in the

“Nalundasan Case” in 1939. The Tallano clan paid

commission to Fr. Diaz and Atty. Marcos in gold, 30%

from the principal of 640,000 metric tons.

In 1949, the two richest men in the world

were Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz and Atty. Ferdinand

E. Marcos. Between the two of them they

legitimately earned and owned 192,000 metric

tons of gold.

Ferdinand Marcos withdrew their share of the gold

from the Central Bank and minted it “RP-CB”.

Sometime later, Fr. Diaz and Marcos brought their gold

to Switzerland, in the Swiss Bank Corporation in Zurich.

The remaining 400,000 metric tons of Tallano gold is

in the third floor basement of the Central Bank Minting

Plant in East Ave., Quezon City. There are 950,000

metric tons of gold (declared missing in the International

Court of Justice) picked up by Yamashita from its

European ally, Hitler. Another 250,000 tons of the

Japanese loot around Southeast Asia are both now in the

Maharlika. This country then became the holder of 1.6

million metric tons of gold bars. Some of the Yamashita

gold buried in the Maharlika has been found. But the

bulk of it is still buried to this day. And even now,

thousands are secretly digging for it, including Japanese

treasure hunters.

The [Wall] Street Journal in its November 15, 1985

issue wrote that two thirds of all the gold in the world is

in the Maharlika. One third is divided among the rest of

the countries in the world. Very few Filipinos know this.


Let’s review some numbers at this point because

there are certainly some unexplained losses along the

way. The Tagean-Tallano gold started at 720,000 tons.

640,000 tons were transported to the Vatican and back,

leaving 80,000 tons unaccounted from the outset. Out of

the 640,000 tons, 192,000 tons were paid in commission,

which should leave 448,000 tons—but somehow that

number has become 400,000 tons, leaving another 48,000

tons unaccounted. Following this story there are 128,000

(80,000 plus 48,000) tons of gold which somehow

“slipped through the cracks” in addition to 192,000 tons

earned in commissions, whereabouts unknown. Oops?

Out of the remaining 400,000 tons we do not know

how much remains. We know there was an effort to do

a major “disappearing act” when the old Central Bank

morphed into the new Bangko Sentral Pilipinas—but a

recent decision of the Supreme Court (Banco Filipino

versus BSP) has upheld that BSP is responsible for the

liabilities of the old Central Bank. So, how much longer

can they keep these hundreds of thousands of tons of

gold hidden under the carpet and out of sight of the

Filipino people while 80% live at the edge of starvation?

The POINT is that ultimately, a complete accounting

should show where ALL of the original 720,000 tons

went—not to mention the estimated 1.2 MILLION tons

of Yamashita treasure (combined German and Japanese

plunder) identified above (that is very nearly TWO

MILLION TONS OF GOLD worth more than $38

TRILLION at today’s price). The phony, CIAbacked

EDSA “people power” exhibition of 1986

had one primary purpose and that was to take this

vast quantity of gold from the Philippines and the

Filipino people for the benefit of the International

Banking Cartel to enslave mankind.

What about the Santa Romana/Diaz/Hayes-

Vatican commission shared with Ferdinand Marcos?

[QUOTING, pg 186:]

When Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz, alias Severino Sta.

Romana, died in 1974 all that 30% commission in

gold became the legendary “MARCOS GOLD”.

After providing for his family in Marcos’ Letter of

Instruction, the whole wealth derived from this was

supposed to be given to the FILIPINO PEOPLE.

This was the “MARCOS WEALTH” that some

politicians and churchmen kept on saying was the

“ILL-GOTTEN” Marcos wealth [RK: We’ll see

WHY this wealth has been labeled “ill-gotten” a

little further along in our study.] that until today

is in “Marcos secret accounts”.

On April 9, 1973 Marcos said: “My earthly

goods have been placed in the custody and for

the disposition of the Marcos Foundation

dedicated to the welfare of the Filipino people.”


The plans of Ferdinand Marcos are hinted at in

the following citation.

[QUOTING, pg 187:]

In his grand plan, Marcos wanted to re-establish

the former grandeur of the Maharlika and the

whole region of Southeast Asia, the former Malayan

Empire. In June 1983, Marcos appeared before the

First World leaders in Toronto. He announced his plan

to boost the economy of the Southeast Asia region by

creating the ASIAN DOLLAR. This would be backed

up by the 400,000 metric tons of gold in the Central

Bank of the Maharlika and the other gold he scattered

around the region. He would also add to this his own

personal 192,000 metric tons in Switzerland.

The Asian Dollar, backed up by the “two thirds

of all the gold in the world” that was in the

Maharlika, would have made the Maharlika money

more valuable and stronger than the American dollar.

This was his vision to raise Southeast Asia to be at par

with the rest of the First World countries.


There is very good reason to believe that Mr.

Marcos’ plans were even more far-reaching than this

suggests. There is plenty of solid evidence of a

program Marcos worked on with American President

Ronald Reagan, which is referred to as the ABL (Ang

Bagong Lipunan) program. Under this program

some 250 sets of gold, documentation and related ABL

currency were to be shipped to various countries

around the world. A typical set included 3,500 metric

tons of gold (worth some $70 billion at today’s price).

Does it start to make a little more sense as to why

those UN inspectors were using metal detectors in the

PALACES of Iraq while they supposedly sought

“weapons of mass destruction”? Or why Saddam

Hussein was such a threat to the powers-that-be? Or

how and why the price of gold has been depressed on

world markets? Or why former gold-bug Alan

Greenspan would come out with a statement labeling

gold a “barbarous relic”? Indeed.

To understand why it was necessary to remove

Ferdinand Marcos from office in 1986 it helps to know

that the Yamashita Treasure was considered “booty”.

After the passage of thirty years without a valid claim against

it this “booty” would belong to its new possessor. That

would have been in 1976—but the International Criminal

Court (ICC) at that time extended the deadline by

10 years to 1986. The “someones” who had

accumulated the German and Japanese plundered

gold gathered in by Yamashita obviously preferred

not to come forward with their claims because such

claims could have revealed the source of such

wealth—which was, in all probability, quite probably

derived from illicit activities.

What became of the remaining 400,000 metric

tons pertaining to the Tagean-Tallano Clan and

where is it today?

[QUOTING, pg 191:]

To this day, the 400,000 metric tons of the

Maharlika (Tallano) gold are still in the Central

Bank in East Avenue, Quezon City. Nobody can

move it because Marcos insured it with the Lloyds

of London and its agents are guarding it. But the

present government does not acknowledge its



Not only have successive governments of the

Philippines failed to acknowledge the existence of

the gold, they have conspired to keep this

information from being known to the Filipino people.

We assume this is because they have been working

at ways to convert the gold for their own selfish

gain, probably in conspiracy with the International

Banking Cartel. To this day, however, no one

seems to have found a legal solution. Mr. Marcos

was, after all, a brilliant attorney.

Immediately after Ferdinand Marcos was

removed from office literally by a U.S. military

helicopter, the newly installed President, Corazon

Aquino, formed the Presidential Commission on

Good Government (PCGG), purportedly to go after





though, as has already been shown, Mr. Marcos

was in his own right the wealthiest man on the face

of the Earth and had absolutely no need to take

anything from anyone.

[QUOTING, pg 192:]

A decision of the Federal Supreme Court of

Switzerland dated December 21, 1990 said: “… By

decision of May 29, 1986, the attorney general of

the District of Zurich accepted in principle the legal

assistance requested by the Philippines and invited

all the banks of the City of Zurich to FREEZE

IMMEDIATELY all the accounts, deposits or safes

of the persons, companies or foundations (of

Marcos) mentioned in the order …”


The accounts were FROZEN at the

request of the government of the Philippines

and the PCGG has ensured they have

remained frozen to this day.

[QUOTING, pp 193-194:]

This is all a grand scheme (or scam). Blinded

Filipinos must keep repeating that Marcos was a

thief so that those hundreds of billions of dollars of

Marcos money will remain frozen and not be given to

them for their use. Consequently, they must constantly

borrow money from the International Monetary Fund

(IMF) and World Bank (WB) with so much interest

so that this country will remain a slave and

shackled to the foreign powers.

The Maharlika—the Richest Country in the

World Today

The original 720,000 metric tons of gold left by the

Filipinos’ benevolent forefather, Luisong Tagean,


From this, the 640,000 metric tons that was

brought to the Vatican in 1939 and back to the vault of

the Central Bank of the Maharlika (617,500 metric

tons) on January 7, 1949 could have made

Maharlika a First World country. The Marcos-

alliance deposited their earned 192,000 metric

of gold in one Swiss bank and not stashed away

54 countries, as some individuals in government

want the people to believe. [RK: There

however, evidence to indicate that the ABL

packages were delivered out to many countries.

Some of these countries appear to have

“activated” their gold holdings. For instance,

look at Dubai and the tremendous construction

boom occurring in that nation. From whence

came the great wealth to do this?] From that,

daily interest earned for this country should be

than enough so that Filipinos need not borrow

the oppressive IMF and WB or leave their families

and go abroad to earn dollars.

History will show that the money was

stashed away and inaccessible but available to

deserving Filipinos. There was nothing secret

about the Marcos accounts. These accounts

only made secret by some people in

government so that the public would not know

real story. But, nowadays, some of them

secretly trying to withdraw from the Marcos

accounts for themselves. However, each time

attempt to do this abroad they end up in jail.

Here is another mind-boggling food for thought.

15 Japanese banks alone, the Marcos-Diaz consortium

deposited 44,000 (part of the remaining 720,000) metric

tons of gold (also minted RP-CB) and made liquid

total of US$518,559,000,000.00 (518.6 billion dollars)

between 1962 to 1974 earning an average of 1.5% noncompounded

interest per year. There are more tons

gold in other banks around the world.

[RK: Gold can only be “made liquid”

if your liquidate it...

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